Friday 13 February 2015

Aarhus Botanical Gardens and Den Gamle By

When you live in a new place, it is important to visit all the touristy areas, for two reasons, one so you yourself can be a tourist and learn about the city you are in and two so you have somewhere to take people when they come to visit you.
Our first stop was the Botanical Gardens. Originally these gardens were started as an experimental place for growing useful plants and fruit trees in 1873. After its success it became a gardening society with the idea of hard work leading to healthy plants and products

We saw many examples of this hard work as we walk around the gardens, especially in the tropical houses where such care has been taken to maintain the right temperatures and humidity (at one point we actually had to leave because we could barely breathe!) in order to grow tropical plants from all around the world.
Within the Botanical Gardens there is a famous place called Den Gamle By which literally translates to 'The Old Town'.


Den Gamle By is an open-air museum of Danish historical buildings depicting a small town. All 75 half-timbered structures are original buildings from all over Denmark, later moved to Aarhus to create this authentic town culture. We were able to go inside most of the buildings.

There was an old school, post office and even a functioning bakery where we tried some Danish pastries. The idea is to create the feeling Den Gamle By is a living town, there for a number of small shops as well as the bakery are kept open for business, there are also horse and trap rides available and all workers are dressed in old fashioned Danish clothes. I would highly recommend a visit to this village if you are visiting Aarhus!

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